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Bilborough 1957-2000
Portrait of a College


Bilborough 1957-2000, Portrait of a College tells the story of the founding of the second-to-last grammar school opened in Nottingham, its metamorphosis into sixth-form college and its further development to meet the needs of the students in the new millennium. Here you may read how the Forster Elementary Education Act of 1870 shaped education provision in the city and how, more directly, the Butler Education Act of 1944 led to the opening of Bilborough Grammar School; how the grammar school built a strong reputation for academic and sporting achievement under the dynamic leadership of Dr Harry Peake; how Ivor Williams consolidated these strengths in a changing social environment; how Charles Martin master-minded the transition to thriving sixth-form college; how Gordon Brown orchestrated proceedings prior to and post Incorporation and finally how Martin Slattery fine-tuned operations to ensure that the college retained its independence.

Whose Speech Day address was "badly received"? Who* argues that his appointment was a "fiddle"? Who were the ten "Golden Boys" of 1962? Who* had two haircuts on one day both paid for by the head? Who reminded us to "Mind Your Head"? Who* served as Student President in two consecutive years? Who played rugby, and cricket, and hockey for England? The answers appear in Bilborough 1957-2000, Portrait of a College, with its 26 appendices of facts and figures and dates. (*Contributors)

As you will see from the list of Contents, over fifty scribes have produced articles for this history, and while wishing to express my gratitude to them all for their contributions, may I especially thank those who wrote on particular themes at my request. In editing the articles, I trust that I have not altered the sentiments which contributors sought to convey. May I acknowledge too the assistance given by Christine Peake, Lynda Williams, my wife Judith, Denise Ottewell, Bill Bristow and Derek Dowell, and thank the Principal and Chairman for their support, and a myriad others who have supplied information. Biographical details have been collected together in Appendix Z. Further biographies and articles (and amendments) are invited in the event another edition or even a second compilation is produced.

Potential contributors were sought via letter to friends and to friends of friends, and via the good offices of the Nottingham Evening Post, BBC Radio Nottingham and Pam Eyres on BBC Radio 2.

As one writer reminds us, "Memories are idiosyncratic, often eccentric, even prejudiced . . ." and it follows that two people witnessing the same events may, at 30-40 years distance, have different recollections of those events. Perhaps keep this thought in mind as you read the following pages.


Mike Robinson
18th September, 1999

URL: https://bilboroughgrammar.tripod.com/1957-2000/preface.htm